Salvage Yards

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From Our Blog:

Finding Local Salvage Yards
When you need spare parts to a car, are there any options besides going to the dealership in your area and buying them brand new, for an outrageous price? Actually, you do have a few options and you might be surprised at how little this option might cost you. It will require a little bit of work on your part, especially if you have never done it before. But once you have the knowledge and the... Continue Reading

Serrano's Auto Salvage

3006 N Main Street
Fort Worth, TX
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(817) 740-1115

Our products and services include early & late model wrecks, foreign & domestic, foreign domestic, good cars with bad motors, large selection of engines & transmissions, parts for most cars & trucks, recycling, salvage services, scrap materials, unwanted cars & trucks, waste materials, we buy and we pay cash.We are open Mon-Sat and Open Sundays.In business since 1985.Buy cars & trucks-running or not, pull your own parts & save $$$.

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